How To Add Privacy To A Chain Link Fence

Chain link fences are affordable and durable, which are two qualities that interest most homeowners. The only real drawback of these fences is that they do somewhat lack when it comes to privacy. Fortunately, this is a solvable situation. There are a number of options you can consider to add privacy to your chain link fence.   Landscaping If you want to add some level of coverage, but you aren't looking for a complete block out, consider adding some landscaping elements. [Read More]

4 Ways To Cat-Proof The Fencing Around Your Yard

Although most cats love spending time outdoors, breathing in the fresh air, rolling in the grass, and catching bugs, it can be a bad idea if you are concerned about both the safety of your cat and the local wildlife. Since your cat will be at a higher risk of fleas, ticks, dangers from other animals, and vehicles outside, it is best to find a way to keep your cat confined to your yard. [Read More]

Three Additional Improvements You May Want To Do With Composite Decking

If you are looking for a durable material to replace the decking on your home, composite materials can be a good choice. Composite material is durable and requires little care and maintenance. It will also look like new for many years. There are some additional improvements you may want to consider with composite materials, such as adding bracing and covering exposed structural beams. Here are some of the improvements you may want to consider doing with your new composite decking. [Read More]

Three Reasons To Choose Vinyl Fencing

When it comes to choosing fencing for your yard, you want to make sure you choose an option that is both beautiful and durable. Vinyl fencing offers many benefits for homeowners, making it a versatile and functional option for defining the space on your property. Here are a few reasons you should consider vinyl fencing for your yard. Durable Design Unlike wood fencing, vinyl fencing does not rot, mold or splinter over time. [Read More]